By: Megan Beadle, PA-C
Many times, there are no physical symptoms of serious diseases for several years. The earlier the disease is caught, the longer you will need less medication and will feel good! Some diseases are curable if caught in an early stage.
I find a lot of my diabetic patients “fall through the cracks”. After being diagnosed with diabetes, my patients are treated for a little while and then just stop their recommended care routine, mostly because of misunderstanding and lack of education.
Most diabetic patients should be seen every 3 months until their blood sugar is under control, which is measured both with at-home glucose checks and A1c checks in the clinic. Once sugar is under control, diabetic patients should be seen every 6 months to 1 year for their lifetime.
Our Valley-Wide clinics offer thorough physical exams and we provide patient education, which includes diabetes education. We focus on diagnosing disease early with yearly exams and checkups. If you have others in your family with diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, it is advisable to see your health care provider at least yearly and as soon as possible. Early detection can prevent stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and other problems associated with these diseases.
I encourage patients to take control of your own health. Take good care of yourself and your family. Call any Valley-Wide clinic in your community to schedule an appointment today.
Your Health is Our Priority!
Nuestras clínicas de Valley-Wide ofrecen exámenes físicos cuidadoso y proporcionamos educación del paciente, que incluye educación sobre la diabetes. Nos centramos en diagnosticar la enfermedad temprano con exámenes anuales y chequeos. Si usted tiene otros en su familia con diabetes, presión arterial alta o colesterol alto, es aconsejable ver a su proveedor de atención médica por lo menos anualmente y tan pronto como sea posible. La detección temprana puede prevenir el accidente cerebrovascular, ataque cardíaco, insuficiencia renal y otros problemas asociados
con estas enfermedades.
Quiero animar a los pacientes a tomar el control de su propia salud. Cuidar de sí mismo y su familia. Llamar a cualquier clínica de Valley-Wide en su comunidad para ser una cita hoy mismo.
Su salud es nuestra priorida