Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc. has begun the early steps towards the goal of renovating a former bank building on Main Street in downtown Cañon City, converting it into a modern health care clinic, replacing its existing Fremont Family Medical Center, located near the hospital. Valley-Wide hopes to contribute to the new vibrancy and energy of the downtown area, coordinating its efforts with the local city revitalization that is already taking place. Valley-Wide is reviewing architectural services quotes at this time, and will pursue hiring local contractors and sub-contractors once the renovation work is begun.
Pictured in front of the bank building are Joe Aldrich and Heather Ellenbecker of Valley-Wide Health Systems, working on pre-design planning for the remodeling project.
The new clinic will expand the Fremont Family Medical Center’s current services to provide a completely integrated care model in one location, housing family medicine, dentistry and behavioral health services, as well as essential case management and care coordination services. Valley-Wide is now seeking funding to remodel the building, and it is anticipated that the project will be completed within two years.
Valley-Wide is a Community/Migrant Health Center system with medical clinics located throughout southern Colorado, in the San Luis Valley, the Lower Arkansas Valley and in Cañon City. Valley-Wide also has dental clinics located in the San Luis Valley and the Lower Arkansas Valley, and physical therapy clinics located in the San Luis Valley. Many medical clinics have behavioral health practitioners co-located for ease of integrated care for patients. Valley-Wide Health Systems is committed to providing high-quality, safe, effective and integrated health care services in a respectful and inclusive manner for all with special consideration for medically underserved populations. Valley-Wide can be reached at its existing clinic in Cañon City, Fremont Family Medical Center, located at 602 Yale Place, at 719-275-2301. And visit us at and on Facebook.