Behavioral health issues are often overlooked, but they shouldn’t be. More than 25 percent of American adults experience a behavioral health disorder in any given year, and mental health problems are closely linked to chronic illnesses.
If it’s hard to manage your emotions or cope with everyday life, you may benefit from behavioral health services. When you find solutions to your behavioral health problems, both your mental and physical wellbeing will improve.
Valley-Wide Health Systems provides our patients with two options for behavioral healthcare:
Integrated Services:
Integrated behavioral health services occur during a regularly scheduled appointment with your primary care provider. There is no additional cost for this service. You will be asked if you would like to speak with a behavioral health provider. If you indicate that you are interested, a behavioral health provider will take over the appointment from your primary provider and discuss any mental health needs or concerns you may have.
Outpatient Services:
Outpatient behavioral health services are a separate appointment that you schedule with a behavioral health provider.
What is Behavioral Health? What is Mental Health?
While the terms “behavioral health” and “mental health” are often used interchangeably, they don’t always mean the same thing.
Mental health focuses on a person’s psychological state. Behavioral health incorporates physical and mental struggles including eating habits, exercise routines, and alcohol consumption.
Resources & Links:
Crisis Line call 988 or text 988
Suicide Prevention 1-800-273-8255
Medication Assisted Treatment for Substance Use Disorder
Our Behavioral Health Providers