2015 Alamosa Ice Fest Presents: Frozen
The theme of the 2015 Alamosa IceFest featured the Disney film “Frozen” and Valley-Wide was a proud sponsor of the late January weekend events! Expert artists from Colorado Ice Sculptures LLC carved parodies of favorite “Frozen” characters Saturday morning to the awe of downtown visitors, young and old. The sculptures are lit, too, for an extra special viewing experience on cold winter nights!
2nd Annual Rio Frio 5k Run.
A new highlight of this weekend of activities was the “Rio Frio 5k on Ice”, the brainchild of Jeff Owsley, director of the San Luis Valley SBDC and an avid distance runner. Over 200 runners and walkers navigated the icy, slushy course on the frozen Rio Grande, beginning and ending in Cole Park.
Disney Princesses: Anna, Merida, and Elsa. Anna and Elsa (Sam Cordero and Ashley Setzer from Adams State Circle K Club) judged the kid’s fairytale costume contest.
Elsa and Anna from the hit movie made a guest appearances downtown Saturday, and judged the kid’s fairytale costume. The winner was an awesome “Merida” from the Disney film “Brave,” granddaughter of a Valley-Wide employee! The Alamosa Kiwanis Club and Adams State’s Circle K Club sponsored the Frozen sisters at Nestle Toll House Café in celebration of Kiwanis International’s 100th Anniversary.
Valley-Wide Health Systems, Inc., Special Programs Coordinator, Suzanne DeVore stands next to a carved Ice Block Chimney.
Valley-Wide’s name was carved in a block of ice that formed part of the chimney of ice and wood bonfire set ablaze during the downtown block party and “Grub n’ Pub” Saturday evening.
Many witnessed the second annual Fire and Ice bonfire on San Juan Avenue to cap the Alamosa Ice Fest Saturday evening. The blaze was rolling within 20 minutes and burned 45 minutes.
Sponsors and invitees started the weekend with a “Let it Go” event kick-off party on Friday.