Community Engagement Programs Help Bring Health and Wellness Needs to Our Communities

The Valley-Wide Agricultural Worker/Outreach Program strives to improve access to health care services for migrant and seasonal agricultural workers as well as other special populations, such as the homeless population. These services are offered in the San Luis Valley, Lower and Upper Arkansas Valley regions, as well as through voucher sites in Delta, Garfield, Mesa, Cheyenne, and Kit Carson counties. This is accomplished through direct outreach to agricultural farms and people experiencing homelessness as well as collaborating with providers in those service areas.
Patients are screened for diabetes, hypertension, and oral health. If individuals are identified with health concerns, they are referred to their provider of choice for appropriate follow-up.
The outreach staff attends a variety of events such as health fairs and other events to inform communities about available services. Valley-Wide’s Outreach Mobile Units are operated by the Community Engagement Program.
About The Heart and Eagle Clinic
Open on an As Needed Basis
Valley-Wide Health System’s, Outreach Mobile Units consist of an exam room for multiple functions. The mobile units create a mobile single point of entry to address service needs outside of the traditional clinic setting.

The mobile units provide preventative health services with activities focused on screening for conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and oral health. Services include basic vital signs checks, point of care testing, health education, and lifestyle modification with specific attention to self-management strategies, limiting environmental risk exposure and harmful health habits.
The mobile units have also been identified as resources in Valley-Wide’s coverage area in the event that additional medical care facilities are needed in the community or to ensure continuity of care for our patients in the event that any of our clinics could not be opened.