Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is a nationwide, free, voluntary program for low-income, first-time mothers. Nurse Home Visitors offer program services to mothers and their children throughout all six counties of the San Luis Valley, plus Fremont and Custer counties, and serve clients who are currently seeing area providers. Program services begin in pregnancy and proceed until the child’s second birthday.
NFP provides mothers and their families (as desired or appropriate) with important education by nurse home visitors. The program has three primary goals:
- Improve pregnancy outcomes by helping women improve behavior related to substance use, nutrition and prenatal care.
- Improve child health and development by promoting responsible and competent care of children.
- Improve parent’s life course by promoting prevention of subsequent unintended pregnancy, completion of education, finding employment, and strengthening support systems.
Nurse home visitors work with families on:
- Personal health
- Environmental health and safety
- Quality of care giving for infant and toddler
- Maternal life course development
- Formal and informal support systems
Please call 1-833-350-1113 for more information or to sign up for available program slots. To learn more about this national effort, visit The Nurse Family Partnership website at
Click here for WIC services.
Download the Nurse-Family Partnership Referral form on our Patient Forms page.