Diana Medina has been practicing pediatric and family practice medicine since 1986.. She believes that every individual, regardless of their income, education, or life experiences, deserves the support needed to feel comfortable in their bodies, emotions, and minds. Diana supports her patients in their own knowing of what is best for them, and strongly advocates for everyone’s right to make informed choices regarding their health. As a healthcare provider, she views her role as both an educator and facilitator in her patients ability to make informed decisions. Diana has a particular interest in mind and body connection. It is her observation that life experiences inform physical and emotional health. The disease of our emotions inform our physical well-being.
With twenty-five years of experience in transpersonal psychology, she serves as an educator for the Grof Transpersonal Training Program. Diana facilitates Holotropic Breathwork and is an advisor and teacher for their training program. She has worked with individuals across the US and internationally utilizing enhanced states of awareness to reach a deeper understanding of their life patterns and self- knowledge.
Diana grew up in the San Luis Valley, and found herself drawn back to the nature and beauty of the Valley after living for almost twenty years in other parts of the Southwest. Outside of work, Diana enjoys music and all forms of dancing, as well as being surrounded by nature.
Graduate Education:
Masters of Science – Physician Assistant
Undergraduate Education:
Bachelors of Science – Medical Science
- 38 years practicing pediatric and family practice medicine