by: Eric Wolfe, R.PH, Co-Director of Pharmacy
The month of October is Pharmacy Month. What is pharmacy and why should it be of interest to me? Did you know that there are over 300,000 pharmacists in America filling over 4 billion prescriptions every year? Pharmacists are the medication experts, an integral member of your health care team and directly involved in patient care. Pharmacy is one of the oldest of the health professions. Pharmacists are dedicated to improving access to care, lowering costs and providing counsel/advice to the millions of patients they serve. In addition, pharmacists are among the top most trusted professions and Valley-Wide pharmacists are honored to be part of that group.
This October, we recognize pharmacists for contributions to healthcare and all they do for our community. Having a short conversation with one of the Valley-Wide pharmacists can make a big difference. From advising on medications to diabetes to heart disease and more, pharmacists provide easy access to answers so you can feel safe and confident.
In addition to filling prescriptions, Valley-Wide pharmacists also provide other vital pharmacy care services, such as:
- SAFE MEDICATION USE – Valley-Wide pharmacist have answers to your medication questions. Did you know that more than 80% of Americans adults take at least one medication and 30% take five or more? We can help you maximize the benefit and minimize the risk of your medications. Our Valley-Wide Pharmacy team safely packages and dispenses your medications. Valley-Wide pharmacists can explain the medication label, tell you about interactions with other drugs or food, and be a go-between for you and your prescriber. We are easy to reach and we want to assist you in making sense of your medications.
- FLU AND OTHER DISEASE PREVENTION – Valley-Wide pharmacists are immunization-trained to administer vaccines. We are part of creating a healthy The higher the percentage that a community is vaccinated corresponds to a decrease in a given disease. We are readily available to give you a flu shot, advise you about other preventable diseases, such as shingles, pneumonia, and HPV, and determine which vaccination is right for you or your family member.
- DIABETES/NUTRITION EDUCATION – Did you know that more than 30 million people in the U.S. have diabetes and more than 84 million have prediabetes? Your Valley-Wide team offers diabetic, nutrition and weight loss classes free of charge. Take charge of your life and get your blood glucose and your weight under control. We can help you reach those goals.
- ANTI-COAGULATION CLINIC – Valley-Wide pharmacists manage people who have a clotting disorder who are on warfarin, help patients keep in therapeutic range and help them navigate related health issues as they come up.
- YOUR PHARMACISTS AND OTHER HEALTH CARE MEMBERS – Your health care teams begins with you and includes your pharmacist and other health care members. Physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, dentists, and more can help you meet your health care goals and needs. Valley-Wide pharmacists are easily accessible and valuable health care professionals, who partner with other members of your health care team to help you make the most of your medication. Pharmacists provide health care.
Valley-Wide pharmacists are honored and privileged to be part of your Valley-Wide healthcare team. Stop by and visit your Valley-Wide pharmacist. Having a short conversation with one of the Valley Wide pharmacists can make a big difference in your health.