Throughout the month of December, Valley-Wide Health Systems will be sharing information regarding Winter Wellness and how to stay physically and emotionally healthy during the Winter Season, as well as tips for keeping your teeth healthy. In the article below, Physical Therapy Director Ashley Koppenhafer shares ways to maintain flexibility and stay safe during the winter months.
Flexibility Tips
- Hamstring stretch since we do a lot of sitting when it is cold outside
- Low back stretch to help keep back muscles loose
- Shoulder stretch to keep arms mobile
- Drink lots of water
- Get up and move at least every 30 minutes

Staying Safe When Outside
- Wear shoes with good tread
- Look ahead (vs looking down) to where you are walking so you can plan to side step ice or take a different route
- Do not let your kids run on ice – kids don’t have the balance to not fall then the parent has to go pick them up and often will fall
- Do not walk your dog where there is ice present – the dog can pull too much
- If you do slip on the ice, do not put your hands out to break your fall – this is the most common cause of radial fractures